Sunday, February 19, 2012

back to blogging, despite my sleepy eyes....

Ugh...I just typed an entire blog, bleary eyed from lack of sleep for the past two nights (working on cake orders upon the completion of which Raegan woke me to 'hang').  And then something happened...and I lost it all.  All.  Normally blogger I'm really annoyed that it stuttered for a moment and I can't find my words.  This is far shorter, much less eloquent, and not what I had intended for tonight...I'm bummed.

So now I'm forced to re-type....only I'll leave out the first part and skip down to the conversation I overheard tonight while the kids ate some cake for dessert.

Brynn: Let's play restaurant, We're the kids, and this is a restaurant.
Gavin: Ok! Mommy is the cook.  And the waitress. And the cleaner-upper.
Brynn: And mommy is the payer. 
Gavin: Yeah, she does a lot of things.  Mommy does all the things.
Brynn: Mommy doesn't do everything.  .
Gavin: We have to get dressed and clean up our toys and be nice to each other, even when you'e annoying.
Brynn: We have to do so many things, it's hard to be a kid!

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